Recensioni: 691

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4,6 /5
Ultima recensione: 7 febbraio 2025
15 gennaio 2025
Hello, unfortunately i was not that content with my ordered products. The flacons were not packaged properly, so they could touch each other during the shipment. Therefore got almost all of them small scratches, three of them got a broken off corner. Regarding the cost of the product and the cost of the delivery that's really not acceptable.
15 gennaio 2025
Very bad My order came into the UK and I had to pay £55 extra charge which I was unaware of and it wasn't mentioned before
30 settembre 2024
website login is horrible. everytime theres a problem! update cart with problem, fix your website, its 2024!
30 agosto 2024
I'm disappointed with my last order. We made a mistake and ordered two different products in opposite quantities. The supplier refused to take back part of products and change them for the correct ones, even though everything was originally packaged. The justification of this behavior was that we are a business company, which has not rights to return the products. So we have decided not to cooperate with this company in the future anymore.
7 maggio 2024
Previous purchases are 5-Stars, on this purchase however it’s 0! I ordered prior to any announcement of delays or removal of accessories. It’s now been 12 days & my order has not even shipped, & when I login to website, 95% of the time I can’t login. I have emailed & was told it would ship today, it did not. I ordered with plenty of time based on previous orders, now I am OUT of product & can NOT ship orders.
6 maggio 2024
Every order I have placed for several years arrives damaged. I have written to the CEO and managers with suggestions on how to improve the shipments so they are not damaged. Very unacceptable to throw out and waste so much products that if the company cared enough could be fixed easily.
30 aprile 2024
Both my sample orders arrived with damaged and broken goods. I lost trust with using any of these items for my brand.
25 marzo 2024
Produits abimé et beaucoup de défaut de fabrication je déconseille.
7 febbraio 2024
Hallo ich habe eine falsche sendung erhalten und reklamiert aber bekomme keine antwort sonder eine Zufriedenheitsanfrage. Daher: 1 Stern, Bestellung #700005619, Reklamiert am letzten Montag 05 02 2024. Benötige dringendst die richtige Ware Flaschen pure 30 ml bestellt Tiegel 30 ml erhalten... Jetzt Sie... Danke lg
25 gennaio 2024
I didn't receive what I ordered. This is my first time purchasing from Stocksmetric. Good thing it was samples, and not thousands of dollars worth of packaging. 100% disappointed. I work for large USA supplement and Cosmetic companies. I source packaging and ingredients from around the world. I have a vast network of people. At this point, this company will be red flagged. I will not be treated as if I I'm lying about the shipment. And have back and forth emails regarding the packaging that wasn't delivered, with no resolution. After reading reviews, there are multiple people that this happen too.
14 dicembre 2023
AWAY WASTE OF MONEY AND TIME deliver a large order to the wrong address and do not take responsibility, waste of time and money, they do not wish to ship to the address indicated on my original order nor making a refund is theft. The only thing they know how to do is respond that it is the carrier who is responsible.
28 novembre 2023
Order not delivered to the correct address, we asked them to change the telephone number, they did not do so. Also no commercial gesture, if you don't want to waste time and money, run away!
13 ottobre 2023
Surtout n'ayez pas de problème de produit avec cette entreprise. Elle n'assume pas les problèmes techniques et ne propose aucune solution commerciale qui permettrait de continuer de travailler avec elle. Si vous n'avez besoin de rien, contacter le SAV. Très déçu.
3 ottobre 2023
Ho fatto un acquisto errato e non hanno neppure pensato che potevano vendermi qualcosa di più costoso. Sicuramente hanno adottato le norme giuste ma non ho percepito nessuna attenzione per il cliente. A mio avviso hanno una visione molto miope. Non credo che acquisterò altro da questa azienda.
5 aprile 2023
I order heavy glass bottles, and instead only recieve the lids. It was already an emergency with the bottles, and I wrote asking for them to be sent early. Instead of helping me in bad situation, Stocksmetic sent me bottle lids without the bottles and now I am loosing thousands a day cause I cant send out my product. I would have paid extra for help. The first time I ordered from this company, they took two months to send my bottles, and were very rude when I asked what happened with my order. I do not understand why you treat your customers like this. Had my shipment gone well with the bottles, I was going to buy a large order of heavy glass. But now I have no idea what you will do to harm me, so I guess instead of supporting this company I have to buy from china, which I dont like, but at least they will send you your packaging.

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Bollino Feedaty
Ultima recensione: 4 giorni fa
Stato certificato: VALIDO
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Informazioni sull'azienda

Stocksmetic offre un’ampia selezione di articoli da poter abbinare ad una svariata gamma di accessori intercambiabili. Se il cliente lo desidera, è disponibile anche la personalizzazione del packaging ed un ampio network di partner esperti, ciascuno nel proprio settore di competenza per il packaging secondario ( astucci, etichette, grafica, render, etc…), è completa disposizione per offrire un servizio adatto ad ogni esigenze. Acquistare su Stocksmetic è facile e sicuro; un prodotto di qualità ed un servizio customer care d’alto livello sempre disponibile. ---------------------- Stocksmetic offers a large range of items which can be combined with a lot of interchangeable accessories. By customer request, it is possible to personalize the packaging and thanks to the knowledge of the targeted sector our partners it is possible to personalize also of the secondary packaging details (cases, labels, graphics, rendering, etc.).. Buying in Stocksmetic is easy and safe; high quality products and a top-level customer care are always at your disposal.

Stocksmetic (Utente Attivo)
Via Gera 8/10
20060 Gessate (Milano)
Partita IVA 10367490967
Tel. +39 02 959 298 80