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Last review: 23 July 2024
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Bollino Feedaty
Last review: 3 days ago
Certificate status: VALID
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Information on the company

Bugatti was born back in 1923, fuelled by the courageous ideal of innovating by creating with the desire to amaze and be amazed, elevating the simplest and most fundamental rituals of everyday life with wonder and warmth. In this way, Bugatti makes more intimate the habitual gestures that tell the relationship of every human being with their home environment, interpreting the most genuine desires through the creation of a precious and emotional journey in the name of beauty and design. Bugatti’s ‘Unexpected Everyday’ philosophy therefore aims to represent the unexpected in everyday life, a reality to be discovered and lived without compromise.

Casabugatti (User Enabled)
Via Industriale 69
25065 Lumezzane (Brescia)
VAT number 00552330987
Tel. +3903089280

Fax +390308928250