Mister Worker™
Recensioni: 2.899

Calcolato su 229 recensioni negli ultimi 12 mesi
Ultimi 3 mesi: 4,1/5  
(su 47 recensioni)
Ultimo mese: 4,3/5  
(su 19 recensioni)

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4,7 /5
ebay (1.799)
5,0 /5
Ultima recensione: 23 ottobre 2024
19 luglio 2024
All good,but the delivery is poor,second time is sending the package in the last day
21 maggio 2024
The storage unit was broken in parts, this has happened twice with you
12 dicembre 2023
Matériel reçu mais très mal emballé, 2 caisses de rangement étaient juste entouré d'un film plastique, résultat les 2 caisses sont arrivées abimées. Le troisième produit était dans un carton à peine plus épais mais le matériel à l'intérieur est robuste ... heureusement ! Bon site mais attention à l'expédition !
19 novembre 2023
Very slow shipping time. All items were shown to ship within 4-5 business days. Items didn't ship for two weeks. Very disappointing as an online retailer who sells professional grade tools to professionals that have a need.
1 settembre 2022
Great quality tools but I did not understand how much it would cost me coming from another country.
15 luglio 2022
Amount of communication with the customer is too little and quality of the communication when it occurs is incorrect. It is challenging as a company in the USA to do business with this supplier in Italy. I probably will try to use them again but not for any time sensitive product needs.
12 luglio 2022
website could use a better description of the product. did not receive the product that i thought i ordered. will not purchase from again.
21 febbraio 2022
On January 14 I made an order to Mister Worker for €223 and the order had to arrive on February 9. On February 14 the order had not yet arrived and very worried about the lack of information I decided to contact customer service. The answer was the following: Dear Carles, Thank you for your email. I verified the status of your order, you will receive your shipping details and tracking number in 1-2 working days. The delay has been due to a malfunctioning of our IT system that manages real-time stock availability of items, please accept my apologies. I remain at your disposal for any further information. Best regards, Customer Service Specialist Now I already have an order tracking number and it says that it will arrive on February 23. I hope all the order is correct. Mister Worker has to improve a lot. This poor management causes distrust and little desire to buy again.
18 febbraio 2022
Problema con la taglia degli stivali acquistati. Contattata l'assistenza via mail, mi dicono che provvederanno a ricontattarmi entro 24-48 ore. Mai più sentiti.
7 dicembre 2021
Die Holzarbeitsplatte für den Werkzeugwagen war am Rand leicht beschädigt, weil sie nicht gscheit verpackt war, der Haken für Aufhängung von Werkzeug war verbogen. Ich bestelle da nicht mehr
5 ottobre 2021
While the price is competitive, the service is well below standard. Shipping time is often late; my two consecutive orders have been late for over a month!. Customer service is not good, I send messages (maybe 5-6 messages) via a web form, and no one responds. I have to send an email directly to get an unfriendly response. Moreover, not a single apologise for not responding to my messages. If you are in a rush, stay away from this site. If you can wait a month or longer, you might want to give it a shot.
15 settembre 2021
Consegna non velocissima ma nei tempi comunicati, l'account viene cancellato continuamente, impossibile risalire all'ordine effettuato.
13 luglio 2021
Please use a better shipping company. FexEx economy is the worst.
Risposta del venditore
Dear Mr. Pat, thank you for taking the time to write a review about your shopping experience with Mister Worker and thank you for giving us your feedback about the courier, we will take care of your perspective during your next order. We hope to see you again, soon. We remain at your disposal for any further information. Best regards, Mister Worker Customer Service Team.
14 febbraio 2021
Lots of pieces had broken bits and had to pay £43 extra import charge.
30 novembre 2020
Ho ordinato del materiale il 15 novembre con consegna prevista in 2 - 3 giorni lavorativi. Dopo più di due settimane non si sa ancora quando riceverò la spedizione
Risposta del venditore
Gentile cliente, grazie per aver dedicato del tempo a scrivere una recensione sulla sua esperienza di acquisto con Mister Worker. Capiamo il suo disagio e la preghiamo di accettare le nostre scuse: abbiamo avuto un problema con l'elaborazione degli ordini. Il suo ordine sarà spedito nei prossimi giorni. Ci teniamo molto alle recensioni dei nostri clienti perché è grazie ad esse se capiamo dove, come e cosa migliorare. Rimaniamo a sua completa disposizione per ulteriori informazioni. Cordialmente, Mister Worker Customer Service Team

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Ultima recensione: oggi
Stato certificato: VALIDO
Recensioni in mediazione: 1

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Informazioni sull'azienda

misterworker.com è il portale di e-commerce per la vendita di attrezzi e utensili professionali per i professionisti del settore (meccanici, carrozzieri, manutentori di linee produttive, manovali, carpentieri, artigiani, falegnami, elettricisti, idraulici, …) e per tutti gli amanti del fai da te che sanno la differenza tra utilizzare un utensile professionale rispetto ad uno di bassa qualità.

Mister Worker™ (Utente Attivo)
Viale Berengario, 9
20149 Milano
Partita IVA 08006950961